Healthcare professionals
Be by your side on a daily basis
Biogaran is committed to supporting you in your daily work. Find out what services we have available to support you.

Académie Biogaran
Driven by the belief that scientific knowledge, ideas and recommendations must be shared among healthcare professionals so that everyone can benefit from the feedback of their peers, Biogaran created the Académie Biogaran.
One goal : to allow you to discuss with your peers and to share your knowledge and your experience on topics that you value.
Together, let’s share our knowledge !
Through webinars, Biogaran takes you on the adventure of the Académie Biogaran. The webinars are open to all healthcare professionals and are accessible in all countries. Replays are also broadcast on our website after the event. Therefore, you can access our conferences whenever you want, wherever you want.
List of webinars
04/12/2024 Replay Management of infectious diseases and prevention of antibiotic resistance
11/09/2024 Replay Management of benign prostatic hypertrophy
28/02/2024 Replay Type 2 diabetes in Africa and managing the risks associated with prolonged fasting

In order to allow each of you to know which medicines are marketed in your country, Biogaran has referenced its medicines in the African Internet Dictionary of Medicines (DIAM).
What is the use for you?
You can find out in one click which drugs are marketed in your country, all pharmaceutical companies taken together. You can search on the website the INNs, therapeutic classes or pharmaceutical companies that you’re interested in and have a direct access to each drug’s packaging and Summary of Product Characteristics.
This tool has been developed to be as close as possible to you and to facilitate the daily practice of your profession. Multiplying initiatives to facilitate treatment follow-up and to accompany you are proof that we are acting, day after day, so that you can trust us.
To access the DIAM, click here

Smart Servier Medical Art
ln order to support you in your daily activities,
the Servier Group, to which Biogaran belongs, provides you with a bank of free medical images that you can use freely in your presentations and professional supports.
Hundreds of medical illustrations are freely available here